Our new place is steps from the McDonalds on Western and Armitage. I walk by it every day on my way to the train. Two more McDonalds clog my route to work, making it even more difficult to pass unappetized. When counted roundtrip that's a total of six McDonalds on an average day.
Top 5 McDonald's Menu Items:
5. Chicken McNuggets
4. Big Mac
3. Sausage, Egg & Chee Biscuit
2. McDonald's Coke***
1. French Fries

Honerable mention goes to two deals: (1) Two apple pies for $1 and (2) Double cheeseburger for $1, which is actually $0.05 cheaper than a single chee. Dishonerable W.T.F. awards go out to the Filet O'Fish and the McRib. I can't believe McD's had the audacity to toss out a
double Filet O'Fish.
*** Here are some
interesting theories on why McDonald's fountain Coke is so much more delicious than any other Coke form. Theories seem to boil down to a few common points:
- Wider straws offer increased flow creating the illusion of better taste
- McD's has higher maintenence standards for their machines and clean them more often
- McD's sells a lot of Coke, therefore the syrup is always very fresh.
As for my own thoery, I've been told from a friend who worked 4+ years at McD's that they have a special cooling system for their syrup which heightens the quality of the taste. In my opinion Coke probably created a special formula, exclusive to McDonald's. One thing's for sure, that's some good-ass Coke!