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On the upstairs porch, at the Mansion on Judges Hill, Austin, TX, 11/9/07. Lonestar beer is the local swill, and is comparable to a Pabst, Stroh's, etc.

Friday, August 18, 2006

If you ask me...

... John Mark Karr didn't kill Jon Benet Ramsey, but he sure is putting on one hell of a show. The biggest indicator: his ex-wife Lara claims she was with him in Alabama when JBR was killed. Karr said he drugged JBR, but no drugs were found in her system during the autopsy. Even more, Karr's expertise on the case is so well known that he was used recently as a resource for a JBR documentary. Combine all of that with the strange statements and admissions he's made to the press, plus the fact that the's a convicted pedophile, and this is really starting to look more like a false admission.

The guy wants to be famous, plain and simple. Look at the way the guy is mugging for the camera in these photos? Don't most suspects tend to avoid the camera?

Check out that last one. What kind of police operation purposefully sits a high-profile suspect in front of the media like that? Could it have been voluntary? Doesn't it seem like Karr is soaking up all the attention he can get? If you ask me, this guy just wants to be famous. I'm still pointing a finger at the parents.

So how much longer before we get Elian Ganzalez part II?

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