Know thy limit
Reading this Slate piece that asks "How drunk was Mel Gibson?" I came upon this handy dandy blood-alchohol calculator. Check it out and know your limit (now .08 in all states).
Also, remember that moderate drinkers will absorb about one drink* per hour, while heavy drinkers (the "Alchys" among us) will absorb them even faster. As you know, food consumption or lack thereof can have a significant impact on your blood-alcohol level as well.
*One drink = 1 oz. 80 proof spirits = 3 oz. glass of 12% wine
= 12 oz. glass of 5% beer
Also, remember that moderate drinkers will absorb about one drink* per hour, while heavy drinkers (the "Alchys" among us) will absorb them even faster. As you know, food consumption or lack thereof can have a significant impact on your blood-alcohol level as well.
*One drink = 1 oz. 80 proof spirits = 3 oz. glass of 12% wine
= 12 oz. glass of 5% beer