Love Is All: Nine Times The Same Song

A good portion of the most interesting music coming out of Europe in the last few years seems to have one thing in common: it all sounds really dirty. Take for example Dizzy Rascal, Justice, The Go Team, and this group: Love Is All.
Unlike the others, Love Is All play dirty inside the confines of a classic guitar/bass/drums/vox rock band. The songs here have a lo-fi, overdriven quality that makes the entire album sound like you're listening to it through a stereo system with a couple of blown speakers, and that somehow, that's a good thing.
As for style, they're really quite difficult to describe. I would say they are equal parts: The Rapture, The Mamas & the Papas, Cyndi Lauper and Husker Du. I know that sounds crazy, but you'll see what I mean.
This was one of my Top 3 of 2006. Hopefully you'll like it just the same.
LINK: Love Is All: Nine Times The Same Song