New Radiohead Comes out Today

Just a reminder that the new Radiohead album, In Rainbows, is available for download as of today. Yes, you can still pay whatever you want for it. To access the tracks, sign up for Radiohead's W.A.S.T.E. email list to receive a link to the download site (I don't have mine yet, so I guess that means be patient).
Early buzz is that it's more OK Computer than Kid A, and of course, great. (Though I wouldn't expect bad reviews to come from anyone over at Stereogum.) Happy listening.
UPDATE: It looks like you might be able to go to to download it, but I can't even get the page to load, so I can't verify. Maybe the server activity will cool down tonight long enough for me to jump on and get that mother.
In the meantime, I'm shitting myself with excitement to listen to this. Unfortunately I have to go play in my euchre league so it's going to be at least 10pm before I get back, track it down and listen.