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On the upstairs porch, at the Mansion on Judges Hill, Austin, TX, 11/9/07. Lonestar beer is the local swill, and is comparable to a Pabst, Stroh's, etc.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Presidential Poopy and Peepee

So does the FCC fine President Bush because he (sort-of) said the word shit on national television? Should CNN be fined for re-airing it, un-bleeped? CNN is calling it "The shit heard 'round the world." Is this really the story? I know that he and Blair were discussing Lebanon, but clearly the story here is pure shit.

Two things: First, I think the President's public use of the word "Shit" has done wonders for the the pro-shit agenda to which I subscribe. When used tastefully and to add emphasis, curse words fit quite naturally in to cable television and other forms of media.

Second, what if the President's dick accidentally popped out at a press conference? What might be the "fall out" from such an event? Would CNN put out a breaking news alert? Would Fox News have anything bad to say? All I know is that if "Shit" is news, then Presidential trouser snake is potentially period-defining.

Comments on "Presidential Poopy and Peepee"


Blogger haahnster said ... (7/18/2006 1:19 PM) : 

Brit Hume would almost certainly describe W's accidentally exposed penis as "very Presidential."


Blogger Mike H. said ... (7/18/2006 1:39 PM) : 

"The kind of penis you want to have a beer with" -- ???


Blogger haahnster said ... (7/18/2006 3:10 PM) : 

"That penis is a 'uniter' not a 'divider'..."


Blogger Mike H. said ... (7/18/2006 3:19 PM) : 

"Democrats are a bunch of flip-floppers! They're hard on a issue one minute and soft on it the next!"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7/19/2006 9:10 AM) : 

Frank TJ Mackey...

I get home and immediately experience a Peepee and Poopoo posting. It brought a tear to my eye. I haven't been able to keep updated as far as the gigawatts is concerned, mostly due to Chinese bitches censoring my ass. They seem to be against the whole free speech thing. Anyway it's good to be back and enjoy this new blog. Hope all is well my fecal loving friend.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7/19/2006 9:10 AM) : 

Frank TJ Mackey...

I get home and immediately experience a Peepee and Poopoo posting. It brought a tear to my eye. I haven't been able to keep updated as far as the gigawatts is concerned, mostly due to Chinese bitches censoring my ass. They seem to be against the whole free speech thing. Anyway it's good to be back and enjoy this new blog. Hope all is well my fecal loving friend.


Blogger JM said ... (7/20/2006 8:00 PM) : 

Does the President's Penis look french?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8/17/2006 12:03 AM) : 

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.


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